Список текстов песен ian carey

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Текст песни:

Tell you like it is with a kiss,
Baby when it drips from your lips.
Tell you like it is it′s like this,
Don′t be such a slave to your brother.

Baby get shaky after school,
Oooh ooh there you ooh there you baby go crazy break the rules,
Oooh ooh there you ooh there you go go go go go go ohoh there you go!

Tell you like it is with a kiss,
I can see the swing of your hips.
Tell you like it is it′s like this,
Waiting for a trick from your brother,
You can say what you want but you saw just the door

Get out of here

You can say but you don′t such a shame little girl

Get out of here

Baby get shaky after school oooh there you there you baby go

Crazy break the rules oooh there you there you go go go go go go oh oh there you go!

Baby get shaky after school oooh there you there you baby go crazy break the rules oooh there you
there you go go go go go go oh oh there you go!

@ Ian Carey


Текст песни:

Tell me my soul
Feeling the lost of control
In its spirit
So colourful
If you feel it then let′s go
To a place where you belong
Give it strength to carry on
Open your heart
Set your mind at ease
Live your life
And you′ll be free

We′re gonna rise, rise, rise
Keep on rising
Rise, rise, rise
Uhmmmm uhhm

Rise, rise, rise
Keep on rising
Rise, rise, rise
Yeah Hey yeah Uhmm

Sometimes you feel like
You′re down and out
Feeling the pressure
And you′re undone
And your feeling know
Nowhere to go
Don′t you worry
I know you′re gonna

Rise, rise, rise
Keep on rising
Rise, rise, rise
Yeah Hey yeah Uhmm

We′re gonna rise, rise, rise
Keep on rising

We′re gonna rise, rise, rise
Keep on rising
Rise, rise, rise

Keep on rising, rising, rising
Rising, rising, rising, rise ohh ohh yeah!

@ Ian Carey


Текст песни:

Oh my my
I feel it on the street

So so fine
Girl i know you believe

When there′s something that makes you want it
There′s no way you can just say no
But you can′t put your finger on it

Oh no
Oh no

Yeah yeah yeah
Turn on
The redlight

Yeah yeah yeah
It′s alright

We don′t have long
Don′t let it get away

See something like this
Won′t come along every day

When there′s something that makes you want it
There′s no way you can just say no
But you can′t put your finger on it

Oh no
Oh no

Yeah yeah yeah
Turn on
The redlight

Yeah yeah yeah
It′s alright

Yeah yeah yeah
Turn on
The redlight

Yeah yeah yeah
It′s alright

@ Ian Carey


Текст песни:

It was the first sign and even
Together, yeah, we could be
If you could hold tight onto my hand
Forever and definitely

I need a shot caller take control of me
Can′t leave this heart undercover forever
Ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever

I think you just might understand
How much you need me
So, baby, don′t fight, it′s out of you hands
Together, yeah, we could be

I need a shot caller take control of me
Can′t leave this heart undercover forever (ever)
I need a shot caller take control of me
Can′t leave this heart undercover forever (ever)

And if you just take control
We can let it go
If you just take control
We just let it, let it go

I need a shot caller take control of me
Can′t leave this heart undercover forever (ever)
I need a shot caller take control of me
Can′t leave this heart undercover forever
Ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever

I need a shot caller take control of me
Can′t leave this heart undercover forever (ever)
Ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever

I need a shot caller take control of me
Can′t leave this heart undercover forever (ever)
I need a shot caller take control of me
Can′t leave this heart undercover forever (ever)

@ Ian Carey


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